How to Survive a Flight to Bali?

You may have found it tedious to thrive on long-distance flights. Right? Long-haul flights are more challenging to survive than the short-haul ones. If you plan a holiday in Bali, you should prepare to survive the 20+ hour flights, the average duration from most locations.  Here are some tips to help you survive the long and tiresome fights in Bali. 

  1. Plan A Proper Workout Before A Flight

Long flights can stiffen your muscles, resulting in aches and pains. Indulging in stretching, running, jogging, or some light exercises, especially a week before your flight’s departure date, will help lessen muscle stiffness and soreness—the aftereffect of a long and tiresome flight. Not just that. You must do your utmost to keep fit during the long journey. Many resort to in-flight exercises in the course of their flight. It’s a good thing to do, indeed. 

The space near the boarding area is perfect for stretching your hips, knees, and shoulders. Here are some light exercises that you may try when seated on a flight:

  • Rotate your ankle in a circular motion at least ten times each foot. Keep doing this off and on throughout your flight. This enhances your lower leg’s circulation. 
  • Do neck stretches for 15-20 seconds at a time. Repeat them in intervals as many times as possible.  Sitting stationary for a long could cause neck pain. Trying neck stretches during your flight may help you feel better. 
  • Lift your leg above the ground and hold it for a couple of seconds. Repeat this 10 to 15 times in intervals. It helps to improve circulation. 
  1. Carry a Neck Pillow 

Travel pillows are a savior on long-haul flights. They support the neck, preventing too much pressure on a particular side. When you have an aisle or middle seat, maintaining a proper posture using neck pillows is critical since there’s nothing to recline your head against. 

  1. Divide Your Trip Into Blocks 

I came across this idea while surfing the web, and it is one of the most exciting ways to make a long-haul flight less monotonous. If you have a 12-hour flight, divide it into around six blocks of two hours each. Allot some activities to yourself in each block.

  • You could devote the first block to writing or reading, accessing the washroom, and refilling your bottle. 
  • If you find your book interesting and want to continue reading it, you can include it in your activity in the second block. Also, in combination, you may include some skincare regime and bathroom breaks. 
  • The third block may include snacking, sending emails, and browsing the web (if your flight provides complimentary Wi-Fi or if you’ve signed up for Wi-Fi services).
  • You could reserve the fourth block for sleep time, meals, and washroom breaks. 
  • If you are a Netflix fan, you can download any of your favorite series from the past on your phone. Ensure that your phone is well-charged and in flight mode. Watching Netflix could be added to your to-do list for the fifth block. 
  • The last block may include settling yourself, stretching to keep fit, and preparing for landing.

These are a few of my suggestions.  You could add activities as per your choice to make your long flight travel enjoyable. 

  1. Do Not Miss Out On Essential Oils 

Essential oils‘ soothing and relaxing effects are not unknown. Massaging your temples with a drop of lavender oil will help you feel settled and relaxed, mainly if it is a long and toilsome flight.

Carrying peppermint oil may give you instant relief if you are prone to nausea and headaches on flights. The aroma of the oils may not be pleasing to all, so it is advised not to open them while on the flight. You can use them before boarding. For later use, you may also pour some on a tissue, wipes, or terracotta pendant. 

  1. Stay Hydrated 

Stay hydrated on a long-haul flight and take frequent water breaks. The plane’s recirculated air can dry your throat, skin, and nose. On a 10-hour flight, your body may lose up to 2 liters of water. You must drink sufficient water before and during the flight to prevent dehydration. 

  1. Pack Healthy and Nourishing Snacks 

Besides the food you get on the airplane, you may carry snacks as you may need something to munch on now and then during your long journey. Granola bars, fruits, nuts, cheese and crackers, muffins, cookie bars, etc, are some of the options to choose from. It’s always important to know what food to carry and what not to on a flight to save yourself from hassles. 

  1. Choose the Aisle Seat 

Regarding seat selection, most of us are keen to select the window seat for a fulfilling experience. Little do we know the difference aisle seats can make. On a long-haul flight, choosing the aisle seat means more leg space. You may even access your bag or head for the washroom without disturbing your co-passengers. The cons are that you may have to shift too often from your place to allow your seatmates access to the washroom or baggage. The crew and the passengers could occasionally bump you as they move. Yet, selecting the aisle shift on a long flight like the ones going to Bali will give comfort. 

  1. Take Care of Your Skin 

As mentioned above, long-haul flights can dry out the skin. That’s why caring for your skin, even while traveling, is a mandate. How about a mini spa break in the washroom? Cleanse and moisturize your face, and apply a hydrating mask. You will feel fresh and even successfully pass some time. Drinking sufficient water is another way to keep yourself hydrated.


Your journey won’t be monotonous when you know how to survive long flights to Bali. Instead, it would be fun-filled and enjoyable. Take care of your health while traveling by following adequate measures. It will save you from jet lag.

FAQs – How to Survive a Flight to Bali?

What do you wear on a flight to Bali?

On a long-haul flight, you must wear clothes that provide ultimate comfort. Loose pants, a light jacket, warm socks, and a scarf are perfect for keeping you warm and comfortable.

What to know before visiting Bali?

Knowing its pros and cons is essential before visiting any destination. Bali’s scenic beauty may fascinate you to the core. However, do not get carried away. Do your research before you visit the place. Check the vaccinations needed before you visit the island. Know about the boons and banes of traveling in the peak and off-seasons. Also, learn about the clothes permissible in Bali, keeping in mind their customs and traditions. So, getting a vivid insight into the dos and don’ts will make your stay in Bali fulfilling.

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