Lice Spotted On A Woman’s Hair By Pasengers – Emergency Landing Made by American Airlines

An American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to New York reportedly made a diversion due to a quite unusual incident involving a passenger’s hair. The flight landed on an emergency basis in Phoenix after some passengers had allegedly spotted lice in the hair of a woman mid-flight.

The incident came to light when a passenger named Ethan Judelson revealed about the incident on TikTok. He told of confusion and uncertainty on the part of passengers during the unscheduled landing. He said the crew provided very little information regarding why it had diverted, which left most of the passengers in the dark about what was happening.

In his video account, Judelson indicated that when they touched down, a lady sitting by the aisle from him immediately got up and moved forward, right to the plane’s front end. He managed to pick upon gossips from fellow passengers, which indicated that two passengers reportedly saw lice crawling out of a woman’s hair. The two passengers were said to have notified the flight attendants of the observation.

The passengers were in for a big delay in Phoenix, the destination of the emergency landing. They said they’d have to wait 12 hours, and everyone was handed hotel vouchers. Judelson said she was surprised by an email with a voucher to a hotel, an indication that passengers did not know they would be staying overnight when they boarded.

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The airlines later responded to the incident in an email statement to People magazine. An airline spokesperson confirmed that flight 2201, flying from Los Angeles, Calif. (LAX) to New York (JFK) on June 15, was diverted to Phoenix, Ariz. (PHX), but attributed the diversion to “the medical needs of a customer,” rather than to an alleged lice incident.

Following lots of confusion and the unscheduled delay, the passengers finally reached Los Angeles. This incident has truly shown how uncertain air travel can be. No one could have ever imagined the situations which would arise and knock flights off course.

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