“Rick On The Rocks” Florida Dad Blogger Lifestyle Travel

Rick on the Rocks, a father and a blogger, hails from Florida. His blog mostly centres around travel and lifestyle topics. Rick is a father, a travel enthusiast, a food fanatic, and even a fan of cocktail parties. He discusses these experiences at length in his blogs. The way he presents his viewpoint and talks about his adventures instantly catches the readers’ attention. Rick on the Rocks Florida Dad blogger’s blogs are informative and entertaining and touch on diverse topics like lifestyle, parenting style, travel, etc. He is a fabulous story teller, and the audience cannot help but ask for more. He’s been to several talk shows and spoken of his experiences there.  Let us take a sneak peek into Rick on the Rocks and the blogs he writes. 

An Introduction to Rick on the Rocks’ Blog

As he introduces his blog, Rick mentions that being a father is challenging but also one of the most rewarding roles an individual may experience. He even says fatherhood is a roller coaster ride with several crests and troughs. Another challenging aspect Rick mentions is thriving in the Sunshine State (Florida), which has pros and cons.  The intense humidity and scorching heat may disrupt your peace of mind. Yet, staying positive, battling the uncomfortable weather, and finding time for fun activities with your family is paramount. 

Besides being informative, Rick’s blogs also have an immense sense of humor, keeping the audience hooked. Rick mentions that he will share his personal experiences and provide the readers with valuable tips on lifestyle and parenthood, which is a valued piece of information indeed. 

Rick on the  Rocks’ Blogs on Balancing Family and Work

Striking a balance between family and work life is one of the key factors needed for successful parenting. This is where the main challenge lies. That’s what Rick has mentioned in his blog. Being a self-employed entrepreneur. Rick had to make a conscious effort and learn time management skills to devote quality time to his kids. He advises us to set goals and create a proper schedule that prioritizes family time. When handling your kids all by yourself, things could go haywire. Thus, having a support system is essential to help you remain on track. It could be anyone – a family member, spouse, friend, etc. 

Rick on the Rocks’ Take on Beating the Florida Heat

Rick also says Florida’s hot and humid weather could be uncontrollable and uncomfortable. This makes coping difficult outdoors, especially if you plan to take your kids along. He provides valuable suggestions for dealing with Florida’s scorching heat and humidity. He advises staying hydrated and wearing lightweight, breathable clothes. There are no restrictions on outdoor activities in summer. However, reserve it for the cooler time of the day. In this way, your kids and you won’t feel uncomfortable and, at the same time, can enjoy the activity to the fullest. Keeping hats and sunscreen handy will shield you and your family from the harmful UV rays. Though he has spoken explicitly about Florida, his advice is also good for individuals living in other hot places. 

Rick Gives His Inputs on Exploring Outdoors

Florida has an abundance of outdoor activities—that’s also the city’s USP. It has beaches, hiking trails, bike paths, and much more that suit everyone’s tastes and preferences. In his blogs, Rick mentions how much his kids are fascinated by Florida’s natural beauty.  He also says that he has a new adventure in store for them every weekend. He has even mentioned a few spots he deems their favorites. The ones he ranks high on the list include Florida Keys, Everglade National Park, and Wekiwa Springs State Park. 

Rick Stresses on Family-Friendly Activities

There are numerous family-friendly activities in Florida. Your kids will always have something to do, whether it’s museums, theme parks, or something else. Rick says that Universal Studio and Disney World are their favorite spots. However, he loves taking his kids to other places, such as the Kennedy Space Center and the Museum of Science and Industry. The Rock Gardens is one of the space centre’s most sought-after and photographed attractions. There are many more like the Heroes & Legends, Saturn V Rocket, Space Shuttle Atlantis, etc. 

When you go there with kids, you could enjoy a perfect family activity that will help you bond with them better. 

Parenting Challenges in the Digtal Era

This is a common agenda faced by a majority of parents in present times. Rick talks about the array of challenges he goes through as a digital-age dad. When social media has so much to offer, navigating and managing your kids’ screen time could sometimes seem a mammoth task. Sometimes, it is difficult to understand how screen time is actually too much. When it comes to screen time, fixing guidelines, and setting boundaries is important. You even have to ensure that your child sticks to them, and doesn’t break the rules you’ve set. 

To be more specific, allow screen time only during certain times of the day, not always. You must also refrain your child from using mobiles or other electronic gadgets during bedtime, meals, or while doing their homework. 

Read Also: Travel Savvy Mom Blog

Being a digital age parent, you must remain updated about the latest social media trends, and technology. To do the same you must have a detailed knowledge of the online communities, latest apps, and platforms your children are likely to use. When you are more clear about these it will help you understand the boons, and the banes that the digital world comes with. It will even help you make a better, and a more logical decision regarding regarding what’s good for your family, and what’s not.

A Concluding Note From Rick on the Rocks

As a concluding note,fatherhood in Florida is challenging and filled with opportunities. However, you must have the right mindset, and make a proper planning, and the end result would be rewarding indeed. You may be working or be a stay-at-home parent. Irrespective of what you are striking the perfect balance between family and work life is of utmost importance. That’s the key to a successful parenting. At the end Rick hopes that the parenting tips he provided would inspire other dads in Florida and every where else. 

Rick has a warm, inviting, and engaging writing style that goes down fabulously well with the audience. He has a knack for music, trying out new stuff, meeting people, sports, and  a lot more. These characteristic traits makes him an interesting personality indeed. So, for all dads looking out for some great parenting goals, and also desiring for bouts of adventure, reading Rick’s blog is a mandate.

FAQsRick on the Rocks

What categories does Rick’s blogs touch on?

Rick’s blogs touches upon categories like travel, fatherhood, and lifestyle. Through his writings he focuses on the way one can lead an adventurous, and exciting life even after fulfilling all duties of fatherhood.

Does Rick discuss food in his blogs?

Rick is a foodie and shares his experiences about food through his blogs. He provides his readers with some remarkable recipes like roasted cauliflower soup, grilled avocado sandwich, lime pie martini, and so on.

What are the basic aspects that Rick covers in his blogs?

Rick’s blogs touches on aspects like tips on exploring Florida, the rewards, and challenges of living in Florida, information of the latest events, his fatherhood journey, and a lot more.

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