Travel Savvy Mom Blog: A Guide For A Savvy Mom

Traveling with kids could be an uphill task, especially if you are new to motherhood. There are umpteen things to manage, and your baby’s well-being is one of the top priorities. However, when you plan things systematically and prepare everything in advance, traveling with your kid will no longer seem challenging. Instead, it will be adventurous and fun. Here, we will discuss travel tips for a savvy mom that will help her travel with kids seamlessly. So, let’s get started. 

Some Useful Travel-related Tips for Moms

Here are some tips that will help you when you plan to travel with your kids. Check them out: 

Start Planning for Your Holiday Early—If you’re new to traveling with kids, it is essential to know that ticket and hotel prices hike if you book them a day or two before your travel date. Moreover, flight fares and hotel rates are high on weekends and holidays. So, you should avoid booking on those days. It’s better to book in advance, especially when flight prices are exceptionally low. 

Pack in Advance—Most of us indulge in last-minute packing during travel. However, when traveling with kids, you have to be more cautious. It’s essential to pack a day or two before your journey to save yourself from last-minute harassment. This way, you will not miss out on carrying some essential stuff. 

Prepare a List—Preparing a list of everything you’ll need during your journey lessens the chances of missing crucial items. You will also prevent yourself from overpacking. If traveling with kids, there are some things to take.  These include: 

  • Wipes
  • Hand sanitizer
  • First aid kit 
  • Sunscreen
  • Toothbrush
  • Chargers
  • Hats
  • Diapers (if you have infants traveling along)
  • Coloring items, electronic games, and books (to keep your kid engaged) 
  • Baby carrier (if needed)
  • Stroller (if required)
  • Medicines 
  • Toiletries 
  • Snacks and drinks 

Do not overload – It is true that you need a lot of things, especially when you have kids along. Make sure you take everything necessary, but avoid overloading. Things could get toilsome when you have too much stuff to manage, plus your kid. 

Pack snacks—If you’re on a car or plane ride, keep sufficient snacks to keep your kids engaged and happy. Kids get cranky when bored or hungry, so to ensure a hassle-free journey, you must do what it takes to keep them contented. 

Pack toys—As mentioned, you should pack the toys and belongings your kids like the most. These may include coloring books, storybooks, electronic games, sticker books, doodle tablets, etc. They’ll find the trip more engaging and interesting when they have things to keep them busy. 

Maintain Flexibility—When you have kids as your travel companions, things will sometimes go differently than planned. There are chances of your plans going haywire, so be patient. Don’t stress out if your plans don’t succeed. You must always keep Plan B ready and prepare yourself for any circumstances. 

Don’t Rush—When traveling with kids, don’t hurry and try to do a lot in a single day. Plan your itinerary and take one thing at a time. Doing too much in a day could stress your kids, and they may have trouble coping. 

Take Breaks In Between—This is of immense importance. If you are sightseeing or going out for any activity, ensure you do not do it at a stretch. Taking breaks in between is a good way to rest and prevent exhaustion. Giving your kids downtime helps them relax and gives them the stamina to continue the trip with renewed enthusiasm.

Keep it Simple and Comfortable—Ensure your kids wear comfortable clothing when traveling. This will give them the utmost comfort. Choose a soft, breathable fabric for your kids’ convenience. 

Some Destinations for Moms to Choose From


When it comes to a kid-friendly, delightful destination, Hawaii ranks relatively high. Besides the mesmerizing natural beauty, Hawaii offers abundant adventurous sports like swimming, hiking, snorkeling, biking, etc., providing the perfect entertainment for families. Hawaii’s most ideal family destinations are O’ahu, Maui, and Kaua’i. 

Orlando (Florida) 

Orlando is one of the most enticing destinations for families with kids. The city has numerous theme parks, perfect for having a whale of a time. Walt Disney World, Sea World, and Universal are the chief attractions here. When you’ve taken your kids to Orlando for a vacation, make sure you don’t miss out on the theme parks for a unique experience. 

New York

When we mention kid-friendly destinations, our list remains incomplete if we do not mention New York. The baseball games, Coney Islands, and Broadway shows in New York will amuse your kids to the core. There are even several hiking trails in New York where the entire family can enjoy a fascinating adventure. 


Melbourne’s exhibitions, events, and fascinating activities make it another ideal destination for moms to take their kids for an exciting vacation. The Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Sydney Opera House, Australian National Maritime Museum, etc., are some places you can take your kids for absolute fun. However, in the case of the Maritime Museum, your kids must have a minimum height of 90cm to board the vessels. Tall ships, warships, and submarines do not permit baby carriers and prams. 

So, now that you have a host of delightful destinations to visit with kids, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, get set, and go. These aren’t just all; there are more on the list. For instance, in 2017, the list of the top 5 safest cities included Tokyo, Osaka, Melbourne, Singapore, and Toronto.

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What are the Benefits You Have When You Travel As a Mom?

Traveling as a mom could come with several challenges. However, at the same time, it’s adventurous, engaging, and entertaining. In the end, when you see your kid enjoying the trip, it will give you immense pleasure. Let’s check a few benefits you may have when traveling as a mom with your kids. 

  • You can spend quality time with your family and kids that you may otherwise miss out on. In fact, amidst the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, you might not be able to spend quality time with your kids. Going on a vacation with them will help you bond with your kids, and family better. 
  • You can take a break from your busy schedule, rewind, and recharge. This helps you relieve stress, forget worries, and take a step forward in making memories. If you’ve taken your kids along, your fun and enjoyment will double. 
  • In our daily lives, we encounter several people, and with some, we bond deeply. When traveling to new destinations, you encounter many people and even make friends with some. It’s an experience of a lifetime indeed. Moreover, the excitement is even more when you meet other moms who come with kids. While you share your anxiety, woes, and worries, the kids also get to make friends. 

Tips to Make Traveling with Kids Easier

Be it a weekend getaway or an extended holiday, it gets challenging when you have kids along. However, going on a trip with your children isn’t a mammoth task either. Just keep some things in mind, and you’ll be all set. 

  • You have to choose the right destination that is appropriate for your kid. Consider factors like if the place has kid-friendly activities, if the weather will suit your kid if there are proper accommodations so that your child may have a comfortable stay, and so on. For instance, if your child is sensitive to cold, visiting places where winter is chilly isn’t a good choice. When taking children on a vacation, caring for their needs and comfort is of utmost importance. 
  • During the peak season, you get to see a destination in its best form. For instance, when you visit Bali during the holiday season, you may take advantage of the beautiful weather and immerse yourself in beach activities alongside other adventurous sports. During the off-season, you do not get such privileges. 

Yet, avoiding peak seasons is better when you have kids traveling with you. The prices are high, you may have trouble finding suitable accommodation if you don’t book in advance, and most importantly, the places remain heavily crowded, making it inconvenient for your kids to enjoy their holidays. If you plan for a short getaway, choose weekdays (if possible) instead of weekends to avoid the rush. 

  • Avoid overpacking and carry only what you need during your travel. Packing according to your requirements lessens the chances of missing essentials. 
  • While having kids as your travel partners will be a lot of fun, it also comes with several challenges. Don’t expect too much from them. Give them time to adjust. There might be instances when your kids have to wait in queues for a long time and even get impatient. 

You must handle the issue tactfully and maintain patience. It may even happen that they aren’t willing to conform to your travel schedule. Under such circumstances, maintaining flexibility is essential. You should remember that the ultimate goal is making as many memories as possible rather than working towards making your trip perfect. 

Some Common Things Moms Miss Out on While Planning a Trip 

To err is human. It’s not uncommon for moms to make mistakes while traveling. However, learning from them and rectifying them is essential. It’s not as grave as it sounds. However, when taking kids along, we often miss out on things that make things inconvenient. Here are some common mistakes made not just by moms but by most of us when traveling:

  • We sometimes get so engrossed in packing and everything else that we miss out on checking the weather updates of where we are heading for a vacation. This is crucial if you have kids with you. 

If you don’t check the weather forecast beforehand, you may experience last-minute alterations in your plans. You may even face inconvenience upon reaching a place if you don’t know how the weather will be there. You might experience intense cold, but you didn’t bring winter clothes because you didn’t check the weather forecast beforehand. 

  • Making last-minute plans is quite common among us. Most of the time, we fail to get a break from our busy schedule. When we find time, we try planning a holiday, sometimes without considering if it’s the peak season. Last-minute booking in the peak season could often deprive us of proper accommodation. You may also have to wait in queues at popular destinations if you haven’t been able to pre-book tickets. The best option is to keep an alternative plan ready if the first one doesn’t work. 
  • When traveling, planning your budget is essential. The need is even more when you have kids with you. A souvenir is a memorabilia of a place you’ve visited. You may even buy some for your kith and kin as a gesture of love. However, sometimes, we miss out on fixing a budget for the souvenir, increasing our expenses. That’s why it’s essential to include the souvenir cost in your travel budget to avoid spending a lot. 

Easy Tips for Moms to Save Money While Traveling

  • Ensure you have your passport and other vital documents at hand. Losing or misplacing them may cost you a lot. 
  • You should compare airfares and choose the best possible deals. You must also compare the fares on varying dates and times and choose the best option. By maintaining flexibility regarding your travel dates, you can actually save a lot (than you expected). 
  • Joining a travel club helps you get many discounts and deals, making you save a lot of money. 
  • If your trip is for a week or longer, a vacation rental will be better than a hotel. In fact, vacation rentals are a feasible option when traveling with multiple families. 
  • When booking flights, car rentals, or hotels, look for discounts and coupons. This will save you a lot of money. 

Some of the Essential Travel Accessories for Moms to Carry

When traveling with kids, it is important to carry all the travel essentials so that you don’t miss out on giving your kid the required care and comfort. When traveling with infants and toddlers, you need to be extra cautious. Here is what you must carry: 

  • A diaper bag
  • A stroller is ideal so that you can comfortably place your child on it and have your hands free for other work.
  • A baby carrier may help you carry your baby conveniently, especially if you are traveling alone with your kid. Ensure that the carrier is comfortable to wear and even take off. 
  • A travel crib helps your baby sleep safely and comfortably. 
  • A travel potty should be on your list when infants and toddlers travel with you. 

When carrying travel accessories, you must know the amount of carry-on and checked luggage you are permitted to take (if traveling by flight).


When you have kids on vacation, handling things may be challenging. However, if you keep some basic things in mind and follow all the essential protocols, things will be a lot easier. Stay safe, avoid travel-prone areas, and take care about what you and your kids eat and drink. Staying healthy is of utmost importance as well. Also, talk to your kids about the vacation well in advance. You may even explain the queues they may have to wait in at certain places. This will prepare them for their journey way in advance.

FAQsTravel Savvy Mom Blog

Are there travel apps that help moms while traveling with kids?

When traveling with kids, travel apps will come in handy. Packing Pro, as the name suggests, helps with packing. Flight tracker helps you track flights. Hotel Tonight comes as a great savior, helping you find discounts and offers. Yelp helps you search for cafes, restaurants, etc. You will also get assistance from apps like Travel Deals, Uber, etc.

How do you entertain kids while traveling?

When traveling with kids, take their favorite games, toys, books, coloring pages, etc., to keep them entertained and engaged. Also, keep conversing with them about the places they’ll visit, their significance, etc. In this way, you will help them garner interest.

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